Month of Ramadan is just come over. But the aura of victory and purity has been felt in every Muslim mind. Indeed apart from the demons in brackets in this month so do negative motivation is not too much longer, the month of Ramadan is the month the right to add our reward investment.
Various ways are used to welcome the arrival of this holy Ramadhan. When Ramadan was over, an aura of happiness and good spirit enveloped charitable. However, there is an interesting phenomenon if we look at. Ramadan online phenomenon.
Various ways are used to welcome the arrival of this holy Ramadhan. When Ramadan was over, an aura of happiness and good spirit enveloped charitable. However, there is an interesting phenomenon if we look at. Ramadan online phenomenon.
Yes, this Ramadan, if we pay attention, the intensity of the community (especially students) who OnLine and grew more and more. Look at facebook. Hundreds of new status update always been on the facebook wall. Sometimes, the status-status spelled out 'so what' status. Status-status is not clear aims and objectives. That is, they share about what they feel.
At noon, more merajarela facebook users. Generally the users to use their leisure time had been enjoying the holidays for online. There are also online at the late afternoon. Even after virtually Shubuh enough. They argue using the time after Shubuh to online, rather than sleep. Indeed, to sleep after the Subuh prayers is not recommended. However, replacing them with online activities, whether it's okay ..?
Ramadan online phenomenon is ironic. When the mosques are still very warm sound melodious chanting holy verses, we are sitting pretty at the computer while membalasi message from our colleagues. It was ironic. However, not fitting for us to see a phenomenon from one perspective only. What about the benefits ..?
Ramadan online course not only negatively impact on Muslims. If we are observant, there are also positive impacts of this activity produced. Of course if the online is not used only to update the 'so what' status or something else that is less useful. Visitors can also as a means Silaturrahmi to colleagues who happens rarely meet with us. In addition, online can be used to search for useful news and also for useful productive activities.
Yes, of course all of us back to each other. Ramadan online, but a negative impact also has a positive impact. However, when the mosques announcing the call to worship as we actually sat transfixed in front of a computer screen, is it right?